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Creation Factory Icon_minitimeFri Nov 08, 2013 8:08 pm by Miss Hitler

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Creation Factory

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The Encyclopedia

This is the large and organized list of where everything pre-made and ready for use goes. Everything listed here is either canon, or given up for general use by their creators. Feel free to use anything posted within here for your characters.

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Character Creation

This is where you can find all you can find everything you need in order to make a Character. In this section will be your character profile template, and where you'll start in order to begin role playing. We ask that every character you make have the topic title using their Last Name, First Name. So the Title for character Sasuke Uchiha's profile would be: "Uchiha, Sasuke."

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Custom Creation

This is where you will create jutsu, summons, weapons, and other items. Once approved, you can train or purchase them with SP like anything else. Have fun!

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